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Marone, C., and C. H. Scholz, (1989). Particle-size distribution and microstructures within simulated fault gouge, Journal of Structural Geology, v. 11, pp. 799-814.
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Mitchell, G. D., A. Davis, and F. J. Derbyshire, (1989). Microscopic Observations of Dispersed Liquefaction Catalysts, International Coal Science Conference, pp. 751-754, Tokyo, Japan.
Piggott, A. R., and D. Elsworth, (1989). Physical and numerical studies of a fracture system model. Water Resources Research, v. 25 (3), pp. 457-462.
Schobert, H. H., (1989). The geochemistry of coal, The components of coal. Journal of Chemical Education, v. 66 (4), pp. 290-3.
Schobert, H. H., (1989). The geochemistry of coal. The classification and origin of coal, Journal of Chemical Education, v. 66 (3), pp. 242-4.
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Bensley, D. F., and A. Davis, (1988). The Use of Light-Emitting Diodes as Fluorescence Standards and the Fluorescence Intensity of Macerals. Org. Geochem., v. 12, pp. 345-349.
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Khan, M. R., P. L. Walker, and R. G. Jenkins, (1988). Swelling and plastic properties of coal devolatilized at elevated pressures of H2 and He - influences of added iron-oxides, Fuel, v. 67 (5), pp. 693-9.
Lin, R., (1988). The Chemistry of Coal Maceral Fluorescence: With Special Reference to the Huminite/Vitrinite Group. (PhD)
Lin, R., and A. Davis, (1988). A fluorogeochemical model for coal macerals, Organic Geochemistry, v. 12 (4), pp. 363-74.
Lin, R., and A. Davis, (1988). The Chemistry of Coal Maceral Fluorescence with Special Reference to the Huminite/ Vitrinite Group, Penna. State Univ. Spec. Res. Rep. 122.
Marone, C., and C. H. Scholz, (1988). The depth of seismic faulting and the upper transition from stable to unstable slip regimes, Geophysical Research Letters, v. 15, pp. 621-624.
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Walker, P. L., S. K. Verma, J. Riverautrilla, and A. Davis, (1988). Densities, porosities and surface-areas of coal macerals as measured by their interaction with gases, vapors and liquids, Fuel, v. 67 (12), pp. 1615-23.
Chander, S., B. R. Mohal, and F. F. Aplan, (1987). Wetting behavior of coal in the presence of some nonionic surfactants. Colloids and Surfaces, v. 26, pp. 205-16.
Davis, A., R. Lin, G. D. Mitchell, and F. J. Derbyshire, (1987 July 19-24). Monitoring the Processes of Coal Hydrogenation Through the Microscopy of Residues, Extended Abstracts, 18th Biennial Conference on Carbon, pp. 249-250, Worcester, Massachusetts.
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Lin, R., A. Davis, D. F. Bensley, and F. J. Derbyshire, (1987). The Chemistry of Vitrinite Fluorescence, Organic Geochemistry, v. 11, pp. 393-399.
Linaressolano, A., O. P. Mahajan, D. Weldon, and P. L. Walker, (1987). Coal-liquefaction yields in tetralin - their prediction from heat measurements of coal hydrogenation in H2 by D.s.c., Fuel, v. 66 (5), pp. 715-7.
Long, R., and D. D. Davis, (1987). Spatial and temporal changes in element concentrations of white oak (quercus-alba l) xylem near a coal-fired power-plant, Phytopathology, v. 77 (1), pp. 119-.
Marone, C., (1987). Review of Hydrothermal Experimental Techniques, by H. L. Barnes (Editor), and G. C. Ulmer (Editor), for Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, v. 68.
Miller, B. G., G. F. Weber, and D. J. Gass, (1987 May 18-21). "Pilot-Scale Evaluation of Furnace Sorbent Injection for SO2 Control Firing Canadian Low-Rank Coals," Fourteenth Biennial Lignite Symp., Dallas, Texas.
Mishra, K. K., and K. Osseoasare, (1987). Photodissolution of coal pyrite, Fuel, v. 66 (8), pp. 1161-2.
Mitchell, G. D., A. Davis, J. W. Gunnett, and M. D. Loy, (1987 September 28 - October 2). Improving the Marketability of Pennsylvania Coals, Proceedings 5th Pittsburgh Coal Conference, pp. 347-358, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Mitchell, G. D., and A. D. Strauss, (1987 March 29 - April 1). Pilot Scale Co-carbonization of Coals with a Solvent Refined Coal, Proceedings 46th Ironmaking Conference, pp. 347-356, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.